Ljuba Moiz web site



Organi Storici

Associazione Stephen Heller

György Kurtŕg






       Ljuba Moiz  is  internationally renowned as  one of the most  interesting and  multifaceted artistic personality  for her   creative and poetic attitude to translate  every score into the deepest and involving musical   interpretations.

       She was born in Genova, from a family of Russian Hungarian origin,  beginning  playing piano at four, and she studied Piano, Composition , Choral Music and Orchestra Conducting  at the Universitat Mozarteum in Salzburg, at the Musikhochschule Lübeck, at  "Nicolň Paganini" Conservatory of  Genoa  , and at The Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor the Kunsten where she obtained the Soloist Diploma and Specialization for the Contemporary Music Performance.

Ljuba Moiz  studied several years with the famous pianist György Sándor, friend and student of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály at the Liszt Academy in Budapest: his teaching about the piano and instrumental  technique understood as a close connection between sound, motion, and expression, has played an important role for her analytical  and  musical  development.

She also studied in Koln with the great pianist  Aloys Kontarsky, with whom  she  improved her knowledge of Olivier Messiaen and  Leoś Janaček music  who helped her  focusing  her research  on  the peculiar  rhythmic diction and the poetical expression of these  two Composers.

 Ljuba Moiz's particular expressive sound approach have attracted the attention of the major musical personalities: focal point for Ljuba's artistic growing has been the invitation by the Composer György Kurtág to study and work with him at the International Musician Seminars of Prussia Cove, establishing friendship with him and becoming interpreter and teacher  of his music worldwide.

During her studies at the Conservatory of Amsterdam, thanks to the teaching of  Ton Hartsuiker she  was introduced to the study of the works by the main  Contemporary Dutch Composers like Ton de Leeuw,  Ton Bruynel , Louis Andriessen and many others: since then Ljuba Moiz is dedicated to the enhancement of their music such performing  their work's premiere in important Music Festivals, as through several recordings and radio broadcasts.

Devoted to the impressionistic and expressionist music of '900 century , her restless research with the links between contemporary music and the composers of the past  have been encouraged by the praise and the advices of the pianists Murray Perahia, Radu Lupu,, Andrŕs Schiff, Richard Goode , the violinist Enzo Porta and the ensemble conductor Harry Sparnaay :  she passionately dedicated to the rediscovery and playing in  first world performances forgotten  or unknown music works,  arousing great interest among critics and public.  

After her debut at sixteen, wanted by György Sándor at the Wiener Saal during the Salzburg Festival,she played  in Austria, Germany, Holland, France, Switzerland, England,Yugoslavia, Italy and Spain, and she is regularly invited to perform in n the main Festival and Music Seasons, like: the Salzburg Festspiele, Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival,, Festival of the Nederlandse PianoMuziek, Festival delle Nazioni of Cittŕ di Castello,Milano Musica Contemporary Music Festival,Societŕ del Quartetto of Milan ,  Societŕ dei Concerti di La Spezia, Musica d’Insieme ,Settimane Musicali Bresciane,Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna,International Holland Music Sessions Concerts, Centro italiano Studi Skrjabiniani, Dedalo Ensemble for Contemporary Music,"Amici di Paganin of Genova,,"International Lunae Concentus Music Festival"" Cora musicus","Festival pro mundi Uno" etc. She performs as soloist and in Ensembles of Chamber music, also in connection with other form of artistic expressions : in 2007 she played at the Teatro dei Filodrammatici in Piacenza (I) music by Alberto Savinio during an important painting exhibition of De Chirico's inedited works named "The Soul of '900".

She played in Master Classes for Ton Hartsuiker, Hacon Austbo  Bruno Canino, Andrea Pestalozza, and with the Italian Composer Salvatore Sciarrino at the "Filarmonic Academy"of Bologna , to whom she dedicated a Concert at the Italian Cultural Centre in Amsterdam titled  " Memories from the Future", where she gave the Holland premiere of the work "Perduto in una cittŕ d'Acque".

In October 2009 she was invited to perform in the prestigious Festival Milano Musica where she performed as soloist music by Messiaen, Takemitsu, and Ton de  Leeuw "Man go their ways" Italian premiere. This Concert has been recorder by The National Rai Radio3Suite and broadcasted on February 2010.

 She gives lectures and Master classes as on '900 century  and Romantic and Bach music interpretation, as on piano technique and physiology, collaborating with Conservatories, Music Schools and Art Institutions; parallel  she dedicates to the music composition and painting and figurative art, and publishes many articles and essays for art and music newspapers.

She has made numerous recordings for national and foreign radio and TV :  Janaček , Bach, Kurtág, Ligeti, Bartók, Messiaen and Kodály music were broadcasted  by "Scatola Sonora", "Grammelot", Radio3Suite, Classic FM, Austrian Radio ORF. She also made DVD video recordings  for Limenmusic  WebTV for music and arts playing, among others, rare pages of the almost forgotten romantic composer Stephen Heller.

Guest artist in the famous  national broadcast “The Music Room”at RaiRadio3Suite and  interviewed by the musicologist Franco Fabbri, she performed live music excerpts from her latest CD "Playing with the Infinity", which has been chosen by the "Dvorak Society for Czech and Slovak music"  to be included in their international catalogue of the leading interpreters of Leoś Janaček music.

Since 2024 he has been President and Artistic Director of the Cultural Association Stephen Heller | "Art de Phraser" - International Center of Performing Arts, focused on musical, poetic, pictorial and landscape interpretation closely connected to the feeling of rhythm and expression.





attending to a lesson with Gyorgy Kurtag at the International Musician Seminar -Prussia Cove ( Cornwall 2005)



A lesson with György Sándor at Teatro Ghione, Roma


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Ljuba Moiz is an extremely talented young pianist and she is intensely dedicated to the performance of 20th century music that she cultivates on the highest level. She has a wide repertory and deserves full attention  and recognition for her outstanding achievements. I listened to an excellent CD: I found the mood and  athmosphere very inspired and convincing. So were the Debussy and Bartok Pieces. I can recommend Ljuba Moiz with no reservation whatsoever and with the hope that she can prove herself successfully.
György Sándor

“Her playing is beautiful and full of imagination, like her paintings”….
 György Kurtág 

"I enjoyed so much listening to her CD: I found it  really beautifully played"
Murray Perahia

“The programming of her recitals already can prove that Ljuba Moiz is a pianist with a very personal  musical identity. Her creative approach makes her curious about everything  which is going on in the art of our time, while, thanks to her feeling for the breakthroughs of tradition, she can find the right links with the past, with the origin of music.

She performed the works of Ton de Leeuw and Ton Bruynel recorded in tiis CD at the “Festival Nederlandse Pianomuziek” in a way that would be certainly appreciated by the composers with whom I have been  working a lot.

In composing the programmes for her recitals, Ljuba Moiz is creative and original. We can still expect interesting developments from her!"

Ton Hartsuiker  Honorary Director of Amsterdam and Uthrect Conservatoria